Social Work

Does the idea of helping others entice you more than doing anything else in the world? Do you find joy in knowing that you are helping humanity? If the answer to both of those questions is a resounding yes, you may find a solid footing in the job market if you study social work. Students who wish to undertake social work as a career option need to know that in today’s world, social work has become even more vital to improved human existence.
The rise of social media and rapid growth of the IT sector have been leading to people’s detachment from the real world; leading to emerging issues amidst different age demographics. Depression, substance abuse, mental health issues are only a few of the problems that are leaving devastation in their wake. As a student of social work, you could build a career that not only helps you attain your own career goals; but helps you build a life that also enables you to enrich other people’s lives in whatever they are lacking. Admissions in social work courses are fairly straight-forward and mostly open to all streams of study. However, students who hold degrees in any social science or humanities degrees usually find it easier to absorb whatever is taught in this field.
Graduates of social work can either choose to work for NGOs and INGOs, or even go in to work for the government of a country. These days, even schools that have psychosocial counselors will employ social work graduates; as will organizations working on public policy, disaster management and rehabilitation or community outreach.

The University of Wollongong, UTAS (University of Tasmania), WSU (Western Sydney University) and UniSA (University of South Australia) are a few of the reputed education providers where you could go to get a degree in social work. Salaries for social workers on average can be around 1829 AUD per week; which is one of the factors in making social work an appealing subject to international students. Below are some of the degrees in Social Work, and the academic requirements necessary to qualify for them:

Entry Requirement

Bachelor of Social work:
  • Education: Class 12th with 60 – 70% overall
  • English: IELTS / PTE 6.0 (5.5)
Master of Social work (Qualifying):

In order to be eligible, applicants for the Master of Social Work (Qualifying) degree will have:

  • English: IELTS / PTE 6.5 (6.0)
Career Outcome

Career opportunities can include the following:

  • Child safety practitioner
  • Social worker
  • Youth worker
  • Mental health practitioner
  • Community development worker
  • Migrant and refugee settlement workers
  • Drug and alcohol counsellor
  • Relationships counsellor
  • Disability advocate
  • Hospital social work
  • Frequently Asked Questionsabout Courses

    I would like to change my course/ university. What should I do?
    Please keep in mind that the process involved in changing a course or a university, must strictly comply with your Student Visa conditions to avoid the apparent risks of Visa Cancellation. Specially to maintain AQF level of your study. For example, if you get your visa in bachelor’s degree Course then you must maintain same AQF level. Downgrading course can cause the breach of visa cancellation. Also, you need to complete 6 months of your Principle Course to change the education provider. It is strongly suggested that you get advice from Qualified Education Agent Counsellor (QEAC) to help you through the entire process. At PFEC Global, our expert counsellors can make sure you have the smoothest journey till the end.
    What types of scholarships will be available to me, and how can I apply for them?
    These days, numerous Australian institutions offer educational scholarships for eligible international students, with the key focus given to candidates enrolled in diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. If you would like to explore more details regarding the availability, application requirements criteria and timeline for each scholarship that might be suitable for you; it is a good idea to directly contact the institutions either calling their listed contact number, or by submitting an enquiry on their official website. Many students find it a little too much to handle the overloaded and doubtful information from the websites of many providers. Our expert counsellors are well-equipped to do this for you. Just come to visit us , and one of our best counsellors will help you find the scholarships that are best suited for you.
    What work rights do the Australian Student Visa give me?
    A student visa holder is completely free to work for a maximum of 40 hours per fortnight (i.e. 14 days) when their term is in session, and unlimited hours when their term is out of session.
    What are the courses can lead me to PR Pathways?
    Although there is no guarantee to get PR by studying any particular courses, However, courses such as Accounting, Information Technology, Engineering, Nursing, Social Work, Teaching, Cookery, Automotive are some of the very popular courses.